Beautiful Day in Washington, DC

Earlier trips this week were nice, too. I took a group of mostly ladies (Questors) to Harrisburg on Wednesday, and learned more about Harrisburg than in all my previous trips put together, I think, thanks to a great step-on guide. Thursday was a long day in Gettysburg; I was lead driver of nine coaches -- four from our company, and five from another (we didn't have enough available). Two of the other company's drivers overslept and were 45 minutes late, so the day got off to a rocky start, but the rest of it went okay. Friday I did a tour of the historic area of Philadelphia for a group of Korean Veterans visiting here from all over the US, concluding with a visit and ceremony at the Philadelphia Korean Veterans Memorial, which I've driven past many times but hadn't ever really looked at it before -- one of the most beautiful memorials I've seen! There are photos from each of these trips in the Photo Gallery.
I have two days off in a row -- pretty unusual for this time of the year, but it's partly because of my upcoming eight-day trip to Atlanta on Tuesday. So I'm trying to get caught up on everything at home before I leave.
We got a new roof installed on our front porch yesterday, so once again we can sit on the porch when it's raining and not get wet! The old slate roof was in pretty bad shape, long overdue for replacement. We're also getting the roof replaced on the garage this week, and then Glenna plans to begin painting the exterior walls. Not sure if that will get done before the winter, but at least the roof will be in good shape for the coming snow. I've heard the Farmer's Almanac is calling for more snow than usual this winter; get your shovels ready.
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