Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Welcome to my new personal blog on blogger.com.

A word about the name of this blog -- NineWheels ...

I drive motorcoaches -- tour buses -- for a living, all over the eastern US and Canada. Motorcoaches have eight wheels, and I have a Web site at EightWheels.com for drivers and for my passengers. Sometimes when I refer passengers to it, I start by asking them how many wheels a motorcoach has. In the US, nearly all motorcoaches have eight wheels, but I was surprised at how often the response from my passengers was nine! When I asked for an explanation, they had included the steering wheel!

This blog is intended to be a personal space to express personal thoughts, so including that ninth wheel, the steering wheel, seemed like a natural name for the blog. So that's why it's NineWheels.

The "breakdown lane" is that right lane, the shoulder, along most highways in which you're not supposed to ever drive, and in which you don't want to be parked, either -- that would indicate you have a problem. Seemed like a natural tag line for this blog, so that's the story on that -- "Staying Out of the Breakdown Lane."


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