Labor Day Weekend
Glenna and I got to spend a day together Saturday to attend a Mark Lowry concert at the American Music Theatre in Lancaster, PA. It was great!! He is so funny, we laughed until we cried. The music was great, too; he sang several songs from his latest CD ("Be the Miracle"), plus his famous "Mary, Did You Know" ... and appearing with him was the trio, LordSong, plus the Voices of Lee -- a 15 voice a cappella group from Lee University in Tennessee -- one of the best a cappella groups I've heard. The trip was a Hagey Tour, for which I drove. We had lunch at Shady Maple Smorgasboard before the concert -- one of my favorite food stops, too. It was a great day!

Sunday we drove to Baltimore to visit my dad and Harry's family, and also had a great time. Dad is doing well, and has gained some weight (which is good!). Late afternoon we had an hour-long video chat with Jon in Nashville (screen capture at the left!). It was the first time Dad had seen or participated in a video chat; he was quite impressed and really enjoyed it (thanks, Jon!). Jon is moving this week to Chatanooga, TN, for the next month (living in a hotel) for training for a change in his job in Nashville.
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